Dogs On Parade
Well Halloween is over, and so is the yearly humiliation heaped upon dogs and other pets by their loving but [...]
A Dog’s Eye View Of Bogota, Colombia
I recently had the opportunity to take an amazing trip to Bogota, Colombia. The lush greenery was magical; the thin [...]
A Question For You
Can anyone tell me what they think about this? I have a question but no answers, and am curious to [...]
What Is My Dog Thinking?
I've heard many people ask, about some dog in some odd situation, "What do you think that dog is thinking [...]
Energetic playful puppies vs. older dogs
Today was a visit out to Oceanside, NY, beautiful location with lots of great dogs who get to play on [...]
Of Cheeseburgers and Tennis Balls
Yes this is a receipt from an actual ordering/eating experience of mine recently. I'm not proud of it. But it [...]
SHHHH…! When NOT To Talk To Your Dog
Most people seem to think that dog training amounts to teaching dogs to obey commands like "Sit!" and "Stay!"Teaching commands [...]
Don’t Be Scared, Be A Dog! (A Tale From The Trenches With A New Scared Pup)
We just introduced a new member to our Calm Energy pack: a little senior Italian Greyhound named "Arthur"!Arthur was locked [...]
John Bradshaw Most owners wish their dogs would walk calmly and obediently on leash, following their lead and not pulling, [...]