Author: amix
Dogs On Parade
Well Halloween is over, and so is the yearly humiliation heaped upon dogs and other pets by their loving but shamelessly anthropomorphizing designers-slash-owners. Brooklyn Bark gave away lots of goodies. I spent my Halloween at Fort Greene PUPkin (PUPS [...]
A Dog’s Eye View Of Bogota, Colombia
I recently had the opportunity to take an amazing trip to Bogota, Colombia. The lush greenery was magical; the thin mountain air ... even the weather was awe-inspiring, switching from bright and sunny to torrential rain several times a [...]
A Question For You
Can anyone tell me what they think about this? I have a question but no answers, and am curious to hear your thoughts and ideas. __________________________________________ Today I was riling up our male Greyhound, jabbing him on the tush [...]
What Is My Dog Thinking?
I've heard many people ask, about some dog in some odd situation, "What do you think that dog is thinking right now?" What does your dog think you're doing, when you get in the shower? What does he think [...]
Energetic playful puppies vs. older dogs
Today was a visit out to Oceanside, NY, beautiful location with lots of great dogs who get to play on the beach and in the yard - but not so much leash-walking, interaction and socialization with other dogs, or [...]
Of Cheeseburgers and Tennis Balls
Yes this is a receipt from an actual ordering/eating experience of mine recently. I'm not proud of it. But it made me think: only humans can be this self-destructive. Horses and some other animals will eat until they bust [...]
SHHHH…! When NOT To Talk To Your Dog
Most people seem to think that dog training amounts to teaching dogs to obey commands like "Sit!" and "Stay!"Teaching commands is certainly helpful. Commands like "Sit", "Stay", "Come", "Down", "Drop it", and "Heel" can be useful in many situations, [...]
Don’t Be Scared, Be A Dog! (A Tale From The Trenches With A New Scared Pup)
We just introduced a new member to our Calm Energy pack: a little senior Italian Greyhound named "Arthur"!Arthur was locked in a cage for the first nine years of his life, fed in his cage and never walked. Obviously, [...]
John Bradshaw Most owners wish their dogs would walk calmly and obediently on leash, following their lead and not pulling, lunging, or dragging. But there's a common misconception that it is cruel to do anything that keeps your dog [...]