Month: April 2011
Leash Trick #419
If your dog is an uber-genius who graduated cum laude from obedience school, you might not need to tie him up to a bench or lamppost when you duck into a store to buy groceries.If he's even smarter than that, maybe [...]
Your Dog Isn’t The Worst! (Pictorial Proof)
For all of you who are certain you have the worst-behaved dog in the world, I thought I'd ease your minds by releasing to the public our highly-classified photo library from several years ago - right after we brought [...]
Red Light, Green Light! (Video)
Watch how well the "red light/green light" method of leash-training works, combined with social play as positive reinforcement for calm obedience, to stop a dog from pulling on walks: Here is the YouTube link.
To Chew Or Not To Chew? – The Great Rawhide Debate
With pretty much every family I meet that wants help with their dog, at some point I ask "Do you ever give your dog rawhides?"I ask for any of a variety of reasons.First of all chewing can keep a [...]
Doggy Wisdom #614
Sometimes I think we should be glad humans don't subscribe to that same doggy wisdom of "If you can't eat it ... pee on it!"