After moving to NYC we realized that our dog’s frustration, aggression and hyperactivity toward other dogs while on leash was a concern that needed our best effort to correct. After a month of trying to research and practice various training theories found both online and at the library we found ourselves having made no noticeable progress on our own. Our frustration level was the only thing that had changed.

Our dog is not food motivated so Calm Energy Dog Training’s method stood out as an unique and solid option. We could not possibly be more impressed or more satisfied with Anthony Newman’s approach, knowledge, teaching style and of course the results. Within one day we noticed significant improvement and within one full week we can honestly state that her leash frustration is completely gone. She is a calm, happy and balanced dog all the time now.

It does feel like some sort of miracle to us, but the fact is that Calm Energy’s process is very simple and logical. As owners we just needed to know the right tools to communicate properly, efficiently and easily with our dog. We needed Calm Energy’s expertise to show us those tools, to give us the right guidance. That is truly something we were not able to find online or in a book and it has made night-and-day difference in the quality of our new life here in the city, ours and the dogs!

If you are hesitant to hire a trainer and think you can get enough information online only, my best analogy is this; imagine trying to learn to fly an airplane just by taking the ground school, no actual air-time with a flight instructor. The odds aren’t in your favor there. If you aren’t sure which trainer to hire, certainly find one that you think fits you and your dog’s needs. As for a review of my experience with Calm Energy Dog Training, he is professional, widely knowledgeable and highly effective.

Good luck to you and your dog! – Mary, Jonathan & Kona Woody

7/2013 - Mary Woody
