

A New York Story

March 14th, 2011|

Many people are scared of dogs, and others just don't like their company. Sometimes though, secret dog-lovers suprise you out [...]

"Come" And Get It!

February 27th, 2011|

A recent contribution of mine to Tails Magazine.Ask the Trainer with Anthony NewmanFebruary 18, 2011 in February 2011, New York, Training by Tails Magazine My dog [...]

Yikes! (And Bikes)

February 15th, 2011|

Today I saw a first (for me) : Unicyclist + dogFlatbush Ave, Brooklyn a man riding a unicycle down the sidewalk [...]

Bully Syndrome

February 10th, 2011|

This monster is my friend Angus. Angus "The Lovable Beast" (and sleeping Monkey) Recently Angus visited our home and more [...]

Training vs. therapy

February 4th, 2011|

Cesar Millan famously says "I rehabilitate dogs; I train people." And he often insists that he is not a dog [...]